View Poll Results: Do you like this new TS SE Blue Theme
Yes, Excellent! 6,677 72.09%
Yes... 4,715 50.91%
Not bad.. 4,402 47.53%
No.. 4,910 53.01%
Voters: 20704

View Poll Results: Vote for Best New Feature!
Full XBT Support (x2, Free-Silver and Banned Client Detection Support).. 160 31.81%
TS Games (Arcade) 68 13.52%
Performance Features 59 11.73%
New Upload System 64 12.72%
External Image Support 8 1.59%
New TS BBCode Parser 12 2.39%
Torrent Category View and Download Permissions 42 8.35%
Ads Permissions 27 5.37%
New Plugin Settings 63 12.52%
Voters: 503

View Poll Results: TS SE needs .... (This Poll has been closed.. XBT Support is now part of v7.0)
XBTT Support.. 35 34.65%
NZB Support.. 12 11.88%
Both.. 54 53.47%
Voters: 101

View Poll Results: Which operating system is the best?
Windows NT - 2000 - 2003 - 2008 - 2008 R2 16 5.54%
Windows XP 79 27.34%
Windows Vista 15 5.19%
Windows 7 113 39.10%
Linux (any version) 50 17.30%
Mac OS X 16 5.54%
Voters: 289

View Poll Results: would you like to move your tracker(site) to our server?
Yes 82 35.65%
No 80 34.78%
Maybe 68 29.57%
Voters: 230

View Poll Results: Do you like this new TS SE Theme?
Yeah.. Excellent! 184 62.80%
Nope.. 67 22.87%
I don't care.. 42 14.33%
Voters: 293

View Poll Results: What do you want to see in the next release? -Closed- The winner is: New Staff Panel
XBT Integration 78 18.31%
Forum Integration (VB, IPB, PHPBB, MYBB) 92 21.60%
Live Chat 65 15.26%
Support Desk 49 11.50%
New Staff Panel with language support 142 33.33%
Voters: 426

View Poll Results: Do you like this new Poll System??
Yes!! 233 73.04%
No!! 33 10.34%
Doesn't matter. 53 16.61%
Voters: 319