Create your own website today!
Creating a Website - Fast and Easy! There are three main steps to creating a Website:
Step 1 Reserve Your Domain Name (Please skip this step if you have already a domain name)
You can't create a website without owning a domain name. It is the address and foundation of any website.
Popular domain registration services: https://templateshares.net/special/web_hosting_servers.php
Step 2 Select a Web Hosting Solution (Please skip this step if you have already a web hosting)
After you've registered your domain name, you need to select a company to host your site so you can create your website.
Popular Web Hosting Sites: https://templateshares.net/special/web_hosting_servers.php
Step 3 Get a TS SE License
Once you finish the above steps, it's time to get a valid TS SE License.
Please visit the following page to purchase your TS SE License today: https://templateshares.net/special/purchase.php
Latest News
TSSE 2020 - 24-11-2019 22:51 PM

TSSE 8.0 (a.k.a TSSE 2020) (will be released in this year)

  1. PHP 7x.x support

  2. IMDB Improvements

  3. Performance Improvements

  4. More Secure

  5. Auto-enable shoutbox for new members.

  6. Show new Private messages in shoutbox.

  7. Improved Shoutbox Performance.

  8. Announce New threads & Replies in Shoutbox.

  9. Direct Download System.

  10. Auto refresh Whats goin on plugin.

  11. Auto refresh Today Active Members plugin.

  12. Special Torrents TABS

  13. New Default Theme

  14. You can use multiple ADS by using [TS_ADS] tag in Forum Ads

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This is the best script ever, easy to use install and has the best support available on the net.
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