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Post: #1
06-02-2007 09:40 AM
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RE: How many users max with XAM?
Originally Posted by Batista

please tell me true how many users xam 1.3.9 can handle please

It all depends on what server your useing... and what spec the server is.

Post: #2
06-02-2007 09:55 AM

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RE: How many users max with XAM?
ohh so if i am using 2 GB ram server it will be able to handle much users as it can not depends on source

i was scared

Post: #3
07-02-2007 09:11 AM (This post was last modified: 07-02-2007 09:12 AM by ZeleniZub)

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RE: How many users max with XAM?
without snatched mod...
u can prolly go up to 10k users/peers ...

with snatched mod... no way
database and site cant be on same computer.. to make this possible..

i didnt see announce.php for "TS Special Edition v3.1" ...
but free version is catching every detail .....soo if you go over 5000 peers and DB and site are at same server .. NO GO

unless you gonna pay a lot of money for server...like torrentleech etc.. then yeahh...

so answer to your question

up to 5000 peers ... after that you are gonna have to edit announce.php ... or get another server for DB

line 267
mysql_query("UPDATE snatched SET uploaded = uploaded+$uploaded2, downloaded = downloaded+$downloaded2, port = $port, connectable = '$connectable', agent= " . sqlesc($agent) . ", to_go = $left, last_action = $dt, seeder = '$seeder' WHERE torrent = $torrentid AND userid = $userid");

thats the one u need to get rid off to go over 5000 k

Post: #4
07-02-2007 19:15 PM

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RE: How many users max with XAM?
im taking about peers
yes, damn.... u can have 50 000 users, who are just gonna use forums and make comments...
but once u start getting more load, you are in trouble..

Modifications on this source have been around for a while, what Xam did (and i give him mad props for that) ... he made them more secure... he also made installation real easy and change design

For somebody whos beginner .. this source gold..

just upload files on server.. go to installation folder..keep clicking on next, next ... its really easy and its secure... ppl love it

BUT.. once you start getting more users/peers.. you are gonna need really good server to support all that this source has to offer

Line that i was talking about, does update, if somebody turns of their client.. and after 5-10 minuts turns it on again..its gonna check how much you have upload/downloaded on that torrent.. and its gonna give admins true ratio

Post: #5
07-02-2007 22:29 PM

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RE: How many users max with XAM?
not everybody has that...

most ppl have like 2.6 cpu, 1 GB ram ... and even that kind of server is gonna cost you some money...
or not even that... maybe just shared hosting.. in that case.. u can't go over 1000 peers before hosting company would suspend your account for using way too much resources

i would love to see "lite edition" if Xam wants do something like that..

Post: #6
07-02-2007 23:41 PM (This post was last modified: 08-02-2007 09:47 AM by Batista)

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RE: How many users max with XAM?
yea please xam make a lite version with upgrade script PLEASE

cause i really love xam (versions ) lol . i am using 1.3.9

edit: how can we reduce load in 1.3.9 ?

whats the biggest thing which put much load on server ?

Post: #7
10-02-2007 16:16 PM
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RE: How many users max with XAM?
Originally Posted by stan

which os do u use, if u use windows server then shift to *nix based os tht will definately help you.

Use Slackware 11.0 + apache + mysql

Post: #8
10-02-2007 17:11 PM

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RE: How many users max with XAM?
xam please tell us that will you make Like version with upgrade script pelase

and also ZeleniZub
about which line i can find that lines is announce.php ?

Post: #9
11-02-2007 11:19 AM

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RE: How many users max with XAM?
lol it seems to be popular demand, i want it too

Post: #10
11-02-2007 13:32 PM

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RE: How many users max with XAM?
xam please reply

we all want one lite version cause we all love XAM ( source )

Post: #11
01-03-2007 17:52 PM

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RE: How many users max with XAM?
@xam...I have tracker based on btit.It's around 26 000 users and 5 000 peers and after 3 years of use of the btit code I can't get rid of mysql overloads.My question is if I buy lastest version of TS SE v3.2 how much users online/peers my site will handle average and maximum ( with basic things enabled to reduce the load ) in your opinion.Is the TS SE v3.2 offers stability and is't usefull if my tracker goes over 10K peers.I'm on shared hosting but with stand alone mysql database used only by me, unix based system p4 2.6GHz 1024 RAM.
Thanks in advance for your reply and sorry for bothering

Post: #12
01-03-2007 21:34 PM
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RE: How many users max with XAM?
If you turn off same extra features such as snatched mod, iplogger, referrer system etc.. your tracker can handle between 5k to 10k peers.

Important requirements:
1) RAM (must be above 2gig)
2) CPU
3) Good configuration (mysql,php,apache)

btw, stdhead() function is only using 4 queries in the latest code.

Post: #13
01-03-2007 23:47 PM (This post was last modified: 02-03-2007 00:03 AM by Evil)

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RE: How many users max with XAM?
@xam, thank you very much for your reply.Is't possible TS SE to be rewriten partial ( just announce.php ) or fully on C++ .In this way will handle more peers and load

Originally Posted by xam

If you turn off same extra features such as snatched mod, iplogger, referrer system etc.. your tracker can handle between 5k to 10k peers.

Important requirements:
1) RAM (must be above 2gig)
2) CPU
3) Good configuration (mysql,php,apache)

btw, stdhead() function is only using 4 queries in the latest code.

Post: #14
02-03-2007 00:38 AM

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RE: How many users max with XAM?
I use 1.3.x with 7000 users and ~2500 peers on a linux fedora core server. Celeron 2,6Ghz, 1GB ram, eAccelerator. Works fine.

Post: #15
02-03-2007 01:52 AM
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RE: How many users max with XAM?
TS SE v3.2 is the BEST optimized code in the ts series.

Post: #16
02-03-2007 09:40 AM (This post was last modified: 02-03-2007 09:44 AM by Batista)

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RE: How many users max with XAM?
if i remove this line when i get to 5000 peers .

what this line do thats what i want to know ?

mysql_query("UPDATE snatched SET uploaded = uploaded+$uploaded2, downloaded = downloaded+$downloaded2, port = $port, connectable = '$connectable', agent= " sqlesc($agent) . ", to_go = $left, last_action = $dt, seeder = '$seeder' WHERE torrent = $torrentid AND userid = $userid"); 

and xam how many peers 3.2 can handle

i use 1.3.9 how do i turn off

snatched mod, iplogger, referrer system and other high load mods ?

Post: #17
02-03-2007 11:08 AM
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RE: How many users max with XAM?
You have no referrer mod.
As for snatched mod, remove below lines from announce.php
mysql_query("UPDATE snatched SET seeder = 'no', connectable='no' WHERE torrent = $torrentid AND userid = $userid");

mysql_query("UPDATE snatched SET  finished  = 'yes', completedat = $dt WHERE torrent = $torrentid AND userid = $userid");

$res=mysql_query("SELECT uploaded, downloaded FROM snatched WHERE torrent = $torrentid AND userid = $userid");
$row = mysql_fetch_array($res);

$downloaded2=$downloaded - $self["downloaded"];
$uploaded2=$uploaded - $self["uploaded"];
mysql_query("UPDATE snatched SET uploaded = uploaded+$uploaded2, downloaded = downloaded+$downloaded2, port = $port, connectable = '$connectable', agent= " . sqlesc($agent) . ", to_go = $left, last_action = $dt, seeder = '$seeder' WHERE torrent = $torrentid AND userid = $userid");

$res = mysql_query("SELECT torrent, userid FROM snatched WHERE torrent = $torrentid AND userid = $userid");
$check = mysql_fetch_assoc($res);
if (!$check)
mysql_query("INSERT INTO snatched (torrent, torrentid, userid, port, startdat, last_action, agent, torrent_name, torrent_category) VALUES ($torrentid, $torrentid, $userid, $port, $dt, $dt, " . sqlesc($agent) . ", " . sqlesc($torrentname) . ", $torrentcategory)");

Not tested but it should work and it will increase your tracker speed and/or load.

Post: #18
02-03-2007 17:13 PM (This post was last modified: 02-03-2007 17:14 PM by Batista)

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RE: How many users max with XAM?
Thanks xam

but after removing this will we be able to see completed torrents in Userdetails p age ?

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