[Previous Polls] View Poll Results: Do you like our Tracker ?
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Post: #1
14-12-2009 19:14 PM (This post was last modified: 14-12-2009 20:04 PM by alphasoft)

Joined: 15-04-2009
Posts: 221
Country: United Kingdom
Male alphasoft is Offline now
It's there. Alphasoft's Intertracker.org
Hi Guys,

We have swiched from our previous free and messed up coded Netvision Source to Xam Source v6.2. I have known Xams work for 3½ years and wanted the source ever since I got involved with Intertracker.org.
Finally due to hard work I could convince our database owner that we should burry the old source. He took this liturally and turned off the old tracker one week ago and the new one on without checking first the state of readiness.

He just said he wanted to be on for his birthday and this was it.

The source was barely anything more than installed and not working because of an experimantal installation on a Domain Subfolder. (Xam, Alan and I have been frantically trying to fix redirect and similar errors).

You can imagine how our staff was snowed under corrected almost 3000 User records with certain data from the old tracker as there was no time for me to finish my half-finished Excel to Mysql Takeover Scripted Data Converter.

In the end our staff did a brilliant job and also our webseeders, and some user who have uploaded 1600 torrents.

The Upload Ralley intended to bost upload is bit of a failure due to a sudden change of heart by the owner, not to reward the highest non-team member with a Netbook but only with some other new useless gear.

We now are operational for one week and have 1600 Torrents and you are welcome to register (No email will be sent and PW Reminder feature is not working due to our Mailserver using IMAP).

Also you will find it easy to orietate yourself as 99% of Torrents are language marked and can be filtered. To see just english language Torrents just click on our Englisch tab, There is one for Russian to and the Main tabs will contain all torrents in all languages.

Register, download (only upload is counted) Just beware to stick to our rules.
100% or 72hours. Webseeders are expected to seed longer. There is no overseed.

Come in and join as at http://intertracker.org/

PS. Number of Torrents uploaded in the last 24 hours - currently 172 (varies as is looking back 86400 seconds)

Post: #2
14-12-2009 20:08 PM

Joined: 19-05-2008
Posts: 724
Country: Germany
Male mutti is Offline now
It's there. Alphasoft's Intertracker.org
may be its nice - but its very very slow ... loadtimes 30 sec ...

take a look @ http://validator.w3.org
Result: 35 Errors, 15 warning(s)

Post: #3
14-12-2009 21:31 PM (This post was last modified: 14-12-2009 22:16 PM by alphasoft)

Joined: 15-04-2009
Posts: 221
Country: United Kingdom
Male alphasoft is Offline now
It's there. Alphasoft's Intertracker.org
Thanks for your input Mutti, you have been with us a week and have seen the site come along. You also kindly run the check before.
Right now I am little concerned about it as most of the errors are redirect related and will disappear, hopefully in the not to far future. As I said I am working on it.
Why it takes you 30 seconds to load the page, I have no idea. 0.3seconds here.
Maybe you are counting how long it takes to disp;lay the 176 uploaded torrents overview. Well this will take it's time as it pull a lot of data. Don't forget it also needs to filter the language for which it first needs to explode the data collected.
..and of course it all is multilingual.

However there is an issue with some session based conflict from either java or ajax between the current online user display and the shoutbox. Some data does not always gets displayed it disappears and re-appears.
Unfortunately there is very little I can do as I cannot see Xam's encrypted shoutbox code.
I am tempted to deactivate his plugin and use my own shoutbox from my old source. I didn't have any problems with the twin Shoutbox on the old tracker.

Post: #4
14-12-2009 22:18 PM

Joined: 19-05-2008
Posts: 724
Country: Germany
Male mutti is Offline now
It's there. Alphasoft's Intertracker.org
the load time is not only me ... if there more then 90 users at the same time ..no chance to join ur tracker...
i think its a kimsufi isgenug "made by sparbier"

Post: #5
14-12-2009 22:38 PM

Joined: 29-05-2008
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Male monkey is Offline now Disabled
It's there. Alphasoft's Intertracker.org
i luv the respect from other owners makes my day nice work alpha

Post: #6
15-12-2009 01:02 AM

Joined: 15-04-2009
Posts: 221
Country: United Kingdom
Male alphasoft is Offline now
It's there. Alphasoft's Intertracker.org
Unfortunately there is a conflict however if you minimize the Plugins you don't need you have a fast site. I have also switched the shoutbox around with the display of currently online user. Furthermore shout was reduced to 50 shouts rather than 150 and delete was set to 2hourly.
Thanks monkey for your comment

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