# IMPORTANT: Do not edit below unless you know what you are doing!
die('Hacking attempt!');
function display_date_time($timestamp = 0)
if ($timestamp)
return date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $timestamp);
return gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s");
function get_user_timezone($id = '') {
if(!isset($id) || empty($id) || !is_valid_id($id))
return "-300"; //Default timezone
$query = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM users WHERE id=".sqlesc($id)." LIMIT 1");
if (mysql_num_rows($query) != "0")
$kasutaja = mysql_fetch_array($query);
return "$kasutaja[tzoffset]";
return "-300"; //Default timezone
function get_row_count($table, $suffix = "")
if ($suffix)
$suffix = " $suffix";
($r = mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM $table$suffix")) or die(mysql_error());
($a = mysql_fetch_row($r)) or die(mysql_error());
return $a[0];
function stdmsg($heading, $text, $htmlstrip = TRUE)
if ($htmlstrip) {
$heading = htmlspecialchars(trim($heading));
$text = htmlspecialchars(trim($text));
print("<table class=main width=737 border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td class=embedded>\n");
if ($heading)
print("<table width=100% border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=10><tr><td class=text>\n");
print($text . "</td></tr></table></td></tr></table>\n");
function stderr($heading, $text, $htmlstrip = TRUE, $head = true, $foot = true, $die = true)
if ($head) stdhead();
stdmsg($heading, $text, $htmlstrip);
if ($foot) stdfoot();
if ($die) die;
function sqlerr($file = '', $line = '')
print("<table border=0 bgcolor=blue align=left cellspacing=0 cellpadding=10 style='background: blue'>" .
"<tr><td class=embedded><font color=white><h1>SQL Error</h1>\n" .
"<b>" . mysql_error() . ($file != '' && $line != '' ? "<p>in $file, line $line</p>" : "") . "</b></font></td></tr></table>");
// Returns the current time in GMT in MySQL compatible format.
function get_date_time($timestamp = 0)
global $_COOKIE,$_SESSION;
if ($timestamp)
return date("Y-m-d H:i:s", $timestamp);
else {
$idcookie = base64($_COOKIE["c_secure_uid"],false);
if (!$idcookie)
$idcookie = base64($_SESSION["s_secure_uid"],false);
return gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s", time() + (60 * get_user_timezone($idcookie)));
function encodehtml($s, $linebreaks = true)
$s = str_replace("<", "<", str_replace("&", "&", $s));
if ($linebreaks)
$s = nl2br($s);
return $s;
function get_dt_num()
return gmdate("YmdHis");
function format_urls($s)
return preg_replace(
"\1<a href=\"\2\">\2</a>", $s);
// Removed this fn, I've decided we should drop the redir script...
// it's pretty useless since ppl can still link to pics...
// -Rb
function format_local_urls($s)
return preg_replace(
"/(<a href=redir\.php\?url=)((http|ftp|https|ftps|irc):\/\/(www\.)?sitename\.(net|org|com)(:8[0-3])?([^<>\s]*))>([^<]+)<\/a>/i",
"<a href=\2>\8</a>", $s);
//Finds last occurrence of needle in haystack
//in PHP5 use strripos() instead of this
function _strlastpos ($haystack, $needle, $offset = 0)
$addLen = strlen ($needle);
$endPos = $offset - $addLen;
while (true)
if (($newPos = strpos ($haystack, $needle, $endPos + $addLen)) === false) break;
$endPos = $newPos;
return ($endPos >= 0) ? $endPos : false;
function format_quotes($s)
preg_match_all('/\[quote.*?\]/', $s, $result, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
$openquotecount = count($openquote = $result[0]);
preg_match_all('/\[\/quote\]/', $s, $result, PREG_PATTERN_ORDER);
$closequotecount = count($closequote = $result[0]);
if ($openquotecount != $closequotecount) return $s; // quote mismatch. Return raw string...
// Get position of opening quotes
$openval = array();
$pos = -1;
foreach($openquote as $val)
$openval[] = $pos = strpos($s,$val,$pos+1);
// Get position of closing quotes
$closeval = array();
$pos = -1;
foreach($closequote as $val)
$closeval[] = $pos = strpos($s,$val,$pos+1);
for ($i=0; $i < count($openval); $i++)
if ($openval[$i] > $closeval[$i]) return $s; // Cannot close before opening. Return raw string...
$s = str_replace("[quote]","<fieldset><legend> Quote </legend>",$s);
$s = preg_replace("/\[quote=(.+?)\]/", "<fieldset><legend> Quote: \1 </legend>", $s);
$s = str_replace("[/quote]","</fieldset>",$s);
return $s;
function format_comment($text, $strip_html = true, $xssclean = false)
global $smilies, $privatesmilies, $CURUSER;
$s = $text;
// This fixes the extraneous ;) smilies problem. When there was an html escaped
// char before a closing bracket - like >), "), ... - this would be encoded
// to &xxx;), hence all the extra smilies. I created a new :wink: label, removed
// the ;) one, and replace all genuine ;) by :wink: before escaping the body.
// (What took us so long? :blush:)- wyz
$s = str_replace(";)", ":wink:", $s);
if ($strip_html)
$s = htmlspecialchars($s);
if ($xssclean)
$s = xss_clean($s);
// [*]
$s = preg_replace("/\[\*\]/", "<img src=\"".$GLOBALS['pic_base_url']."/list.gif\" class=\"listitem\" />", $s);
// [b]Bold[/b]
$s = preg_replace("/\[b\]((\s|.)+?)\[\/b\]/", "<b>\1</b>", $s);
// [i]Italic[/i]
$s = preg_replace("/\[i\]((\s|.)+?)\[\/i\]/", "<i>\1</i>", $s);
// [u]Underline[/u]
$s = preg_replace("/\[u\]((\s|.)+?)\[\/u\]/", "<u>\1</u>", $s);
// [u]Underline[/u]
$s = preg_replace("/\[u\]((\s|.)+?)\[\/u\]/i", "<u>\1</u>", $s);
//---- Image Resizer v0.1 by xam
// [img]http://www/image.gif[/img]
$s = preg_replace("/\[img\](http:\/\/[^\s'\"<>]+(\.(jpg|gif|png)))\[\/img\]/i", "<img border=\"0\" src=\"\1\" alt=\"\" o<strong></strong>nload=\"NcodeImageResizer.createOn(this);\">", $s);
// [img=http://www/image.gif]
$s = preg_replace("/\[img=(http:\/\/[^\s'\"<>]+(\.(gif|jpg|png)))\]/i", "<img border=\"0\" src=\"\1\" alt=\"\" o<strong></strong>nload=\"NcodeImageResizer.createOn(this);\">", $s);
//---- Image Resizer v0.1 by xam
// [color=blue]Text[/color]
$s = preg_replace(
"<font color=\1>\2</font>", $s);
// [color=#ffcc99]Text[/color]
$s = preg_replace(
"<font color=\1>\2</font>", $s);
// [url=]Text[/url]
$s = preg_replace(
"<a href=\"\1\">\2</a>", $s);
// [url][/url]
$s = preg_replace(
"<a href=\"\1\">\1</a>", $s);
// [code]php code[/code]
$s = preg_replace(
"<div class=\"codetop\">CODE</div><div class=\"codemain\">\1</div>", $s);
// [size=4]Text[/size]
$s = preg_replace(
"<font size=\1>\2</font>", $s);
// [font=Arial]Text[/font]
$s = preg_replace(
"/\[font=([a-zA-Z ,]+)\]((\s|.)+?)\[\/font\]/i",
"<font face=\"\1\">\2</font>", $s);
// //[quote]Text[/quote]
// $s = preg_replace(
// "/\[quote\]\s*((\s|.)+?)\s*\[\/quote\]\s*/i",
// "<p class=sub><b>Quote:</b></p><table class=main border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=10><tr><td style='border: 1px black dotted'>\1</td></tr></table>", $s);
// //[quote=Author]Text[/quote]
// $s = preg_replace(
// "/\[quote=(.+?)\]\s*((\s|.)+?)\s*\[\/quote\]\s*/i",
// "<p class=sub><b>\1 wrote:</b></p><table class=main border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=10><tr><td style='border: 1px black dotted'>\2</td></tr></table>", $s);
// Quotes
$s = format_quotes($s);
// URLs
$s = format_urls($s);
// $s = format_local_urls($s);
// Linebreaks
$s = nl2br($s);
// [pre]Preformatted[/pre]
$s = preg_replace("/\[pre\](.*?)\[\/pre\]/is", "<pre>".htmlentities('\1')."</pre>", $s);
// [nfo]NFO-preformatted[/nfo]
$s = preg_replace("/\[nfo\]((\s|.)+?)\[\/nfo\]/i", "<tt><nobr><font face='MS Linedraw' size=2 style='font-size: 10pt; line-height: " .
"10pt'>\1</font></nobr></tt>", $s);
// [you]
$s = str_replace ("[you]", "$CURUSER[username]", $s);
// Maintain spacing
$s = str_replace(" ", " ", $s);
while (list($code, $url) = each($smilies))
$s = str_replace($code, "<img border=0 src=\"pic/smilies/$url\" alt=\"" . htmlspecialchars($code) . "\">", $s);
while (list($code, $url) = each($privatesmilies))
$s = str_replace($code, "<img border=0 src=\"pic/smilies/$url\">", $s);
return $s;
//---- Search Highlight v0.1 by xam
function highlight($search,$subject,$hlstart="<b><font color=red>",$hlend="</font></b>"
) {
$srchlen=strlen($search); // lenght of searched string
if ($srchlen==0) return $subject;
$find = $subject;
while ($find = stristr($find,$search)) { // find $search text in $subject -case insensitiv
$srchtxt = substr($find,0,$srchlen); // get new search text
$subject = str_replace($srchtxt,"$hlstart$srchtxt$hlend",$subject); // highlight founded case insensitive search text
return $subject;
//---- Search Highlight v0.1 by xam
function get_user_class()
global $CURUSER;
return $CURUSER["class"];
function get_user_class_name($class)
switch ($class)
case UC_USER: return "User";
case UC_POWER_USER: return "Power User";
case UC_VIP: return "VIP";
case UC_UPLOADER: return "Uploader";
case UC_MODERATOR: return "Moderator";
case UC_ADMINISTRATOR: return "Administrator";
case UC_SYSOP: return "SysOp";
case UC_STAFFLEADER: return "Staff Leader";
return "";
function is_valid_user_class($class)
return is_numeric($class) && floor($class) == $class && $class >= UC_USER && $class <= UC_STAFFLEADER;
//---- Security function v0.1 by xam
function int_check($value,$stdhead = false, $stdfood = true, $die = true, $log = true) {
global $CURUSER;
$msg = "Invalid ID Attempt: Username: ".$CURUSER["username"]." - UserID: ".$CURUSER["id"]." - UserIP : ".getip();
if ( is_array($value) ) {
foreach ($value as $val) int_check ($val);
} else {
if (!is_valid_id($value)) {
if ($stdhead) {
if ($log)
stderr("ERROR","Invalid ID! For security reason, we have been logged this action.");
}else {
Print ("<h2>Error</h2><table width=100% border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=10><tr><td class=text>");
Print ("Invalid ID! For security reason, we have been logged this action.</td></tr></table>");
if ($log)
if ($stdfood)
if ($die)
return true;
//---- Security function v0.1 by xam
function is_valid_id($id)
return is_numeric($id) && ($id > 0) && (floor($id) == $id);
//-------- Begins a main frame
function begin_main_frame()
print("<table class=main width=737 border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>" .
"<tr><td class=embedded>\n");
//-------- Ends a main frame
function end_main_frame()
function begin_frame($caption = "", $center = false, $padding = 10)
$tdextra = "";
if ($caption)
if ($center)
$tdextra .= " align=center";
print("<table width=737 border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=$padding><tr><td$tdextra>\n");
function attach_frame($padding = 10)
print("</td></tr><tr><td style='border-top: 0px'>\n");
function end_frame()
function begin_table($fullwidth = false, $padding = 5)
$width = "";
if ($fullwidth)
$width .= " width=100%";
print("<table class=main$width border=1 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=$padding>\n");
function end_table()
//-------- Inserts a smilies frame
// (move to globals)
function insert_smilies_frame()
global $smilies, $BASEURL;
begin_frame("Smilies", true);
begin_table(false, 5);
print("<tr><td class=colhead>Type...</td><td class=colhead>To make a...</td></tr>\n");
while (list($code, $url) = each($smilies))
print("<tr><td>$code</td><td><img src=$BASEURL/pic/smilies/$url></td>\n");
function sql_timestamp_to_unix_timestamp($s)
return mktime(substr($s, 11, 2), substr($s, 14, 2), substr($s, 17, 2), substr($s, 5, 2), substr($s, 8, 2), substr($s, 0, 4));
function get_ratio_color($ratio)
if ($ratio < 0.1) return "#ff0000";
if ($ratio < 0.2) return "#ee0000";
if ($ratio < 0.3) return "#dd0000";
if ($ratio < 0.4) return "#cc0000";
if ($ratio < 0.5) return "#bb0000";
if ($ratio < 0.6) return "#aa0000";
if ($ratio < 0.7) return "#990000";
if ($ratio < 0.8) return "#880000";
if ($ratio < 0.9) return "#770000";
if ($ratio < 1) return "#660000";
return "#000000";
function get_slr_color($ratio)
if ($ratio < 0.025) return "#ff0000";
if ($ratio < 0.05) return "#ee0000";
if ($ratio < 0.075) return "#dd0000";
if ($ratio < 0.1) return "#cc0000";
if ($ratio < 0.125) return "#bb0000";
if ($ratio < 0.15) return "#aa0000";
if ($ratio < 0.175) return "#990000";
if ($ratio < 0.2) return "#880000";
if ($ratio < 0.225) return "#770000";
if ($ratio < 0.25) return "#660000";
if ($ratio < 0.275) return "#550000";
if ($ratio < 0.3) return "#440000";
if ($ratio < 0.325) return "#330000";
if ($ratio < 0.35) return "#220000";
if ($ratio < 0.375) return "#110000";
return "#000000";
function write_log($text)
$text = sqlesc($text);
$added = sqlesc(get_date_time());
mysql_query("INSERT INTO sitelog (added, txt) VALUES($added, $text)") or sqlerr(__FILE__, __LINE__);
function get_elapsed_time($ts)
$mins = floor((gmtime() - $ts) / 60);
$hours = floor($mins / 60);
$mins -= $hours * 60;
$days = floor($hours / 24);
$hours -= $days * 24;
$weeks = floor($days / 7);
$days -= $weeks * 7;
$t = "";
if ($weeks > 0)
return "$weeks week" . ($weeks > 1 ? "s" : "");
if ($days > 0)
return "$days day" . ($days > 1 ? "s" : "");
if ($hours > 0)
return "$hours hour" . ($hours > 1 ? "s" : "");
if ($mins > 0)
return "$mins min" . ($mins > 1 ? "s" : "");
return "< 1 min";
function textbbcode($form,$text,$content="",$message=false) {
global $subject;
<script language=javascript>
var b_open = 0;
var i_open = 0;
var u_open = 0;
var color_open = 0;
var list_open = 0;
var quote_open = 0;
var html_open = 0;
var myAgent = navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase();
var myVersion = parseInt(navigator.appVersion);
var is_ie = ((myAgent.indexOf("msie") != -1) && (myAgent.indexOf("opera") == -1));
var is_nav = ((myAgent.indexOf('mozilla')!=-1) && (myAgent.indexOf('spoofer')==-1)
&& (myAgent.indexOf('compatible') == -1) && (myAgent.indexOf('opera')==-1)
&& (myAgent.indexOf('webtv') ==-1) && (myAgent.indexOf('hotjava')==-1));
var is_win = ((myAgent.indexOf("win")!=-1) || (myAgent.indexOf("16bit")!=-1));
var is_mac = (myAgent.indexOf("mac")!=-1);
var bbtags = new Array();
function cstat() {
var c = stacksize(bbtags);
if ( (c < 1) || (c == null) ) {c = 0;}
if ( ! bbtags[0] ) {c = 0;}
document.<?=$form?>.tagcount.value = "Close last, Open tags "+c;
function stacksize(thearray) {
for (i = 0; i < thearray.length; i++ ) {
if ( (thearray[i] == "") || (thearray[i] == null) || (thearray == 'undefined') ) {return i;}
return thearray.length;
function pushstack(thearray, newval) {
arraysize = stacksize(thearray);
thearray[arraysize] = newval;
function popstackd(thearray) {
arraysize = stacksize(thearray);
theval = thearray[arraysize - 1];
return theval;
function popstack(thearray) {
arraysize = stacksize(thearray);
theval = thearray[arraysize - 1];
delete thearray[arraysize - 1];
return theval;
function closeall() {
if (bbtags[0]) {
while (bbtags[0]) {
tagRemove = popstack(bbtags)
if ( (tagRemove != 'color') ) {
doInsert("[/"+tagRemove+"]", "", false);
eval("document.<?=$form?>." + tagRemove + ".value = ' " + tagRemove + " '");
eval(tagRemove + "_open = 0");
} else {
doInsert("[/"+tagRemove+"]", "", false);
document.<?=$form?>.tagcount.value = "Close last, Open tags 0";
bbtags = new Array();
function add_code(NewCode) {
document.<?=$form?>.<?=$text?>.value += NewCode;
function alterfont(theval, thetag) {
if (theval == 0) return;
if(doInsert("[" + thetag + "=" + theval + "]", "[/" + thetag + "]", true)) pushstack(bbtags, thetag);
document.<?=$form?>.color.selectedIndex = 0;
function tag_url() {
var FoundErrors = '';
var enterURL = prompt("You must enter a URL", "http://");
var enterTITLE = prompt("You must enter a title", "");
if (!enterURL || enterURL=="") {FoundErrors += " " + "You must enter a URL,";}
if (!enterTITLE) {FoundErrors += " " + "You must enter a title";}
if (FoundErrors) {alert("Error!"+FoundErrors);return;}
doInsert("[url="+enterURL+"]"+enterTITLE+"[/url]", "", false);
function tag_list() {
var FoundErrors = '';
var enterTITLE = prompt("Enter item of the list. For end of the list, press 'cancel' or leave the next field empty ", "");
if (!enterTITLE) {FoundErrors += " " + "Enter item of the list. For end of the list, press 'cancel' or leave the next field empty";}
if (FoundErrors) {alert("Error!"+FoundErrors);return;}
doInsert("[*]"+enterTITLE+"", "", false);
function tag_image() {
var FoundErrors = '';
var enterURL = prompt("You must enter a full image URL", "http://");
if (!enterURL || enterURL=="http://") {
alert("Error!"+"You must enter a full image URL");
doInsert("[img]"+enterURL+"[/img]", "", false);
function tag_email() {
var emailAddress = prompt("You must enter a E-mail", "");
if (!emailAddress) {
alert("Error!"+"You must enter a E-mail");
doInsert("[email]"+emailAddress+"[/email]", "", false);
function doInsert(ibTag, ibClsTag, isSingle)
var isClose = false;
var obj_ta = document.<?=$form?>.<?=$text?>;
if ( (myVersion >= 4) && is_ie && is_win) {
var sel = document.selection;
var rng = sel.createRange();
if((sel.type == "Text" || sel.type == "None") && rng != null){
if(ibClsTag != "" && rng.text.length > 0)
ibTag += rng.text + ibClsTag;
else if(isSingle) isClose = true;
rng.text = ibTag;
if(isSingle) isClose = true;
obj_ta.value += ibTag;
} else {
if(isSingle) isClose = true;
obj_ta.value += ibTag;
// obj_ta.value = obj_ta.value.replace(/ /, " ");
return isClose;
function em(theSmilie)
doInsert(" " + theSmilie + " ", "", false);
function winop()
windop ="moresmiles.php?form=<?=$form?>&text=<?=$text?>","mywin","height=500,width=450,resizable=no,scrollbars=yes");
function simpletag(thetag)
var tagOpen = eval(thetag + "_open");
if (tagOpen == 0) {
if(doInsert("[" + thetag + "]", "[/" + thetag + "]", true))
eval(thetag + "_open = 1");
eval("document.<?=$form?>." + thetag + ".value += '*'");
pushstack(bbtags, thetag);
else {
lastindex = 0;
for (i = 0; i < bbtags.length; i++ ) {
if ( bbtags[i] == thetag ) {
lastindex = i;
while (bbtags[lastindex]) {
tagRemove = popstack(bbtags);
doInsert("[/" + tagRemove + "]", "", false)
if ((tagRemove != 'COLOR') ){
eval("document.<?=$form?>." + tagRemove + ".value = ' " + tagRemove + " '");
eval(tagRemove + "_open = 0");
print("<table width=737 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border=0>\n");
<td align="left" colspan="2">
<table cellSpacing="1" cellPadding="2" border=0>
<td class=embedded><input style="font-weight: bold;font-size:9px;" type=button name="b" value="N" o<strong></strong>nclick="j<strong></strong>avascript: simpletag('b')" /></td>
<td class=embedded><input class="codebuttons" style="font-style: italic;font-size:10px;" type=button name="i" value="I" o<strong></strong>nclick="j<strong></strong>avascript: simpletag('i')" /></td>
<td class=embedded><input class="codebuttons" style="text-decoration: underline;font-size:9px;" type=button name="u" value="Sub" o<strong></strong>nclick="j<strong></strong>avascript: simpletag('u')" /></td>
<td class=embedded><input class="codebuttons" style="font-size:10px;" type=button name='url' value='URL' o<strong></strong>nclick='tag_url()' />
<td class=embedded><input class="codebuttons" style="font-size:10px;" type=button name="IMG" value="IMG" o<strong></strong>nclick="j<strong></strong>avascript: tag_image()" /></td>
<td class=embedded><input type=button style="font-size:9px;" name="list" value="List" o<strong></strong>nclick="tag_list()" /></td>
<td class=embedded><input class="codebuttons" style="font-size:10px;" type=button name="quote" value="Quote" o<strong></strong>nclick="j<strong></strong>avascript: simpletag('quote')" /></td>
<td class=embedded><input style="width:180" style="font-size:9px;" type=button o<strong></strong>nclick='j<strong></strong>avascript:closeall();' name='tagcount' value="Close all tags">
<td class=embedded><select name='color' class='codebuttons' o<strong></strong>nchange="alterfont(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value, 'color')">
<option value='0'>-------- Color --------</option>
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: black" value="Black">Black
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: sienna" value="Sienna">
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: darkolivegreen" value="DarkOliveGreen">
Dark Olive Green</option>
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: darkgreen" value="DarkGreen">
Dark Green</option>
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: darkslateblue" value="DarkSlateBlue">
Dark Slate Blue</option>
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: navy" value="Navy">Navy
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: indigo" value="Indigo">
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: darkslategray" value="DarkSlateGray">
Dark Slate Gray</option>
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: darkred" value="DarkRed">
Dark Red</option>
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: darkorange" value="DarkOrange">
Dark Orange</option>
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: olive" value="Olive">Olive
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: green" value="Green">Green
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: teal" value="Teal">Teal
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: blue" value="Blue">Blue
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: slategray" value="SlateGray">
Slate Gray</option>
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: dimgray" value="DimGray">
Dim Gray</option>
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: red" value="Red">Red
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: sandybrown" value="SandyBrown">
Sandy Brown</option>
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellowgreen" value="YellowGreen">
Yellow Green</option>
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: seagreen" value="SeaGreen">
Sea Green</option>
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: mediumturquoise" value="MediumTurquoise">
Medium Turquoise</option>
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: royalblue" value="RoyalBlue">
Royal Blue</option>
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: purple" value="Purple">
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: gray" value="Gray">Gray
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: magenta" value="Magenta">
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: orange" value="Orange">
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: yellow" value="Yellow">
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: lime" value="Lime">Lime
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: cyan" value="Cyan">Cyan
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: deepskyblue" value="DeepSkyBlue">
Deep Sky Blue</option>
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: darkorchid" value="DarkOrchid">
Dark Orchid</option>
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: silver" value="Silver">
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: pink" value="Pink">Pink
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: wheat" value="Wheat">Wheat
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: lemonchiffon" value="LemonChiffon">
Lemon Chiffon</option>
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: palegreen" value="PaleGreen">
Pale Green</option>
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: paleturquoise" value="PaleTurquoise">
Pale Turquoise</option>
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: lightblue" value="LightBlue">
Light Blue</option>
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: plum" value="Plum">Plum
<option style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: white" value="White">White
<td class=embedded>
<select name='font' class='codebuttons' o<strong></strong>nchange="alterfont(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value, 'font')">
<option value='0'>-------- Fuente --------</option>
<option value="Arial">Arial</option>
<option value="Arial Black">Arial Black</option>
<option value="Arial Narrow">Arial Narrow</option>
<option value="Book Antiqua">Book Antiqua</option>
<option value="Century Gothic">Century Gothic</option>
<option value="Comic Sans MS">Comic Sans MS</option>
<option value="Courier New">Courier New</option>
<option value="Fixedsys">Fixedsys</option>
<option value="Franklin Gothic Medium">Franklin Gothic
<option value="Garamond">Garamond</option>
<option value="Georgia">Georgia</option>
<option value="Impact">Impact</option>
<option value="Lucida Console">Lucida Console</option>
<option value="Lucida Sans Unicode">Lucida Sans Unicode
<option value="Microsoft Sans Serif">Microsoft Sans Serif
<option value="Palatino Linotype">Palatino Linotype</option>
<option value="System">System</option>
<option value="Tahoma">Tahoma</option>
<option value="Times New Roman">Times New Roman</option>
<option value="Trebuchet MS">Trebuchet MS</option>
<option value="Verdana">Verdana</option>
<td class=embedded>
<select name='size' class='codebuttons' o<strong></strong>nchange="alterfont(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value, 'size')">
<option value='0'>-------- Tamaño --------</option>
<option value="1">1</option>
<option value="2">2</option>
<option value="3">3</option>
<option value="4">4</option>
<option value="5">5</option>
<option value="6">6</option>
<option value="7">7</option>
if ($message) {
<TD align=left colspan=2><B>Subject: </B>
<INPUT name="subject" type="text" size="102" value="<?=$subject?>"></TD>
<td align=left><textarea name="<?=$text?>" id="<?=$text?>" rows="20" cols="110"><? echo $content; ?></textarea>
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<td class=embedded style='padding: 2px; margin: 1px'><a href="j<strong></strong>avascript: em(':-)')">
<img border=0 src=pic/smilies/smile1.gif width="18" height="18"></a></td>
<td class=embedded style='padding: 2px; margin: 1px'><a href="j<strong></strong>avascript: em(':smile:')">
<img border=0 src=pic/smilies/smile2.gif width="18" height="18"></a></td>
<td class=embedded style='padding: 2px; margin: 1px'><a href="j<strong></strong>avascript: em(':-D')">
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<td class=embedded style='padding: 2px; margin: 1px'><a href="j<strong></strong>avascript: em(':w00t:')">
<img border=0 src=pic/smilies/w00t.gif width="18" height="20"></a></td></tr><tr>
<td class=embedded style='padding: 2px; margin: 1px'><a href="j<strong></strong>avascript: em(':-P')">
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<td class=embedded style='padding: 2px; margin: 1px'><a href="j<strong></strong>avascript: em(';-)')">
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<td class=embedded style='padding: 2px; margin: 1px'><a href="j<strong></strong>avascript: em(':-|')">
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<td class=embedded style='padding: 2px; margin: 1px'><a href="j<strong></strong>avascript: em(':-/')">
<img border=0 src=pic/smilies/confused.gif width="18" height="18"></a></td></tr><tr>
<td class=embedded style='padding: 2px; margin: 1px'><a href="j<strong></strong>avascript: em(':-(')">
<img border=0 src=pic/smilies/sad.gif width="18" height="18"></a></td>
<td class=embedded style='padding: 2px; margin: 1px'><a href="j<strong></strong>avascript: em(':\'-(')">
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<td class=embedded style='padding: 2px; margin: 1px'><a href="j<strong></strong>avascript: em(':-O')">
<img border=0 src=pic/smilies/ohmy.gif width="18" height="18"></a></td>
<td class=embedded style='padding: 2px; margin: 1px'><a href="j<strong></strong>avascript: em('|-)')">
<img border=0 src=pic/smilies/sleeping.gif width="20" height="27"></a></td></tr><tr>
<td class=embedded style='padding: 2px; margin: 1px'><a href="j<strong></strong>avascript: em(':innocent:')">
<img border=0 src=pic/smilies/innocent.gif width="18" height="22"></a></td>
<td class=embedded style='padding: 2px; margin: 1px'><a href="j<strong></strong>avascript: em(':unsure:')">
<img border=0 src=pic/smilies/unsure.gif width="20" height="20"></a></td>
<td class=embedded style='padding: 2px; margin: 1px'><a href="j<strong></strong>avascript: em(':closedeyes:')">
<img border=0 src=pic/smilies/closedeyes.gif width="20" height="20"></a></td>
<td class=embedded style='padding: 2px; margin: 1px'><a href="j<strong></strong>avascript: em(':cool:')">
<img border=0 src=pic/smilies/cool2.gif width="20" height="20"></a></td></tr><tr>
<td class=embedded style='padding: 2px; margin: 1px'><a href="j<strong></strong>avascript: em(':thumbsdown:')">
<img border=0 src=pic/smilies/thumbsdown.gif width="27" height="18"></a></td>
<td class=embedded style='padding: 2px; margin: 1px'><a href="j<strong></strong>avascript: em(':blush:')">
<img border=0 src=pic/smilies/blush.gif width="20" height="20"></a></td>
<td class=embedded style='padding: 2px; margin: 1px'><a href="j<strong></strong>avascript: em(':yes:')">
<img border=0 src=pic/smilies/yes.gif width="20" height="20"></a></td>
<td class=embedded style='padding: 2px; margin: 1px'><a href="j<strong></strong>avascript: em(':no:')">
<img border=0 src=pic/smilies/no.gif width="20" height="20"></a></td></tr><tr>
<td class=embedded style='padding: 2px; margin: 1px'><a href="j<strong></strong>avascript: em(':love:')">
<img border=0 src=pic/smilies/love.gif width="19" height="19"></a></td>
<td class=embedded style='padding: 2px; margin: 1px'><a href="j<strong></strong>avascript: em(':?:')">
<img border=0 src=pic/smilies/question.gif width="19" height="19"></a></td>
<td class=embedded style='padding: 2px; margin: 1px'><a href="j<strong></strong>avascript: em(':!:')">
<img border=0 src=pic/smilies/excl.gif width="20" height="20"></a></td>
<td class=embedded style='padding: 2px; margin: 1px'><a href="j<strong></strong>avascript: em(':idea:')">
<img border=0 src=pic/smilies/idea.gif width="19" height="19"></a></td></tr><tr>
<td class=embedded style='padding: 2px; margin: 1px'><a href="j<strong></strong>avascript: em(':arrow:')">
<img border=0 src=pic/smilies/arrow.gif width="20" height="20"></a></td>
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<img border=0 src=pic/smilies/hmm.gif width="20" height="20"></a></td>
<td class=embedded style='padding: 2px; margin: 1px'><a href="j<strong></strong>avascript: em(':hmmm:')">
<img border=0 src=pic/smilies/hmmm.gif width="25" height="23"></a></td></tr><tr>
<td class=embedded style='padding: 2px; margin: 1px'><a href="j<strong></strong>avascript: em(':huh:')">
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