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Post: #1
05-01-2008 20:24 PM

Joined: 22-01-2007
Posts: 958
Country: United Kingdom
Female mazy is Offline now
xam please read
parallaxz71 cant get on site he asked me to contact you i have sent the msn he sent me

Post: #2
06-01-2008 00:17 AM

Joined: 11-01-2007
Posts: 5,336
Country: United States of America
Male parallaxz71 is Offline now
xam please read
xam could you please look into this...i am using a vpn connection to access the site right now but this is only temporary fix....i am currently away from home on a business trip and the ip address which i am going to send you is being banned which is preventing me from accessing the site....could you look into this....thanks

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