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Post: #1
07-06-2015 11:27 AM

Joined: 03-03-2011
Posts: 137
Country: Greece
Male toni68 is Offline now
Mr.xam what's going on with my upgrade now waiting for 3 days, it should be delivered yesterday !!!!!!!!

Post: #2
07-06-2015 15:22 PM
TS Support Team

Joined: 15-11-2006
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Male alanb is Offline now
Originally Posted by toni68
Mr.xam what's going on with my upgrade now waiting for 3 days, it should be delivered yesterday !!!!!!!!
xam doesn't work weekends, you will have to wait until Monday...

Post: #3
07-06-2015 16:19 PM

Joined: 03-03-2011
Posts: 137
Country: Greece
Male toni68 is Offline now
And whot is this alanb ?????????

StatusConfirmedCommentsYour order has been confirmed and being processed which may take up to 48 hours.
Once everything is completed we will inform you via PM. Please check back soon.Estimated Completion TimeYesterday 13:07 PM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Post: #4
07-06-2015 23:42 PM
TS Support Team

Joined: 15-11-2006
Posts: 3,118
Country: United States of America
Male alanb is Offline now
Originally Posted by toni68
And whot is this alanb ?????????

StatusConfirmedCommentsYour order has been confirmed and being processed which may take up to 48 hours.
Once everything is completed we will inform you via PM. Please check back soon.Estimated Completion TimeYesterday 13:07 PM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That is your order estimated time of completion. xam doesn't work weekends so you have to wait until Monday...

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