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Post: #1
24-08-2014 18:40 PM

Joined: 01-05-2012
Posts: 59
Country: France
Male Shura is Offline now
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hello everyone since Tuesday our ts 7.2 and it can not downlader throughout the site looking how we repair this error on the peers section of server IP appears thank you in advance.

bonjour tout le monde depuis mardi sur notre site ts 7.2 il et impossible de downlader sur tout le site on cherche comment reparer cette erreur sur la section peers l'ip du serveur apparait merci d'avance .

Post: #2
25-08-2014 01:31 AM

Joined: 17-11-2012
Posts: 113
Country: United Kingdom
Male Seedy is Offline now
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does the site show the wrong seeders on the stats? or is things seeding but showing as not on site? if so go to staffcp> manage crons > disable update peers then ok that.. should help .. but can't download, i'd suggest you re-check the permissions on the torrent categories and then make sure the torrents folder is chmoded to 777

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