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Post: #1
16-05-2013 17:04 PM

Joined: 23-03-2009
Posts: 93
Country: Isla de Muerte
Male shroo is Offline now
your site loading issues
So there is a problem with your source or the server side it is almost impossible to log in it takes time to load even to get to this point where am I now to wirte this message to you took me 10-15 minutes its so slow please fix things up i need this site few times and just couldbnt log in, now my vip is expired and ive lost about 2 months of time being unable to login. I would like some sort of compensation on this aswell.

Post: #2
17-05-2013 08:57 AM
Team Leader

Joined: 01-02-2006
Posts: 11,515
Country: Belgium
Male xam is Offline now
your site loading issues

Could you please test on another computer and with another ISP connection?

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