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Post: #1
05-01-2011 01:49 AM

Joined: 15-06-2010
Posts: 5
Country: Hungary
Male smoky28 is Offline now
TSSE 5.6 xbt import
my ts 5.6 xbt  import .

Hi a question for the XBT-t be put under a 5.6 ton but that it also can be switched off? Looks like the newer versions have.But honestly I write that it is a version nuleed. Not on their own side of the engine ts.

Post: #2
05-01-2011 14:48 PM
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TSSE 5.6 xbt import

you can upgrade your site from 5.6 to 7.2 legal version.. You will not lose anything on your site during this progress.

have a nice day.

Post: #3
06-01-2011 01:19 AM

Joined: 15-06-2010
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Country: Hungary
Male smoky28 is Offline now
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